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Testing the Facades 

scale 1:100

Greyboard Model, 

How modelling the studio of my building enabled a variety of experiments to manifest, namely vistas into and out of the building.

The design of this part of the building enables a clear vista through the building and into the canal area. 

This minor intervention is pertinent to my project as it shows how, despite the buildings impact on the surrounding space, views in and around the natural area will become enhanced, rather than abandoned. 

Initial experiments with the main south facing facade for my collaborative design studio. 

Here, I cut 7 rectangles out of the main facade and used these to model how light would interact with the spaces within my building. 

I've decided that having so many equal sized windows could provide too harshly lit areas in some parts, and under lit in others. I used this model as a basis for further experimentation. 

A different approach to facade design: how large amounts of small windows perforating through could perhaps lead to a more productive design atmosphere for the people of Stretford to work in. 

Although a more even spread is possible, there are not enough vistas in and out of this design for it to be fully considered.

Facades of Stretford

An exploration into the visual typology within Stretford. Examining how my building could be a response to the varied facades.

Housing by Stretford Public Hall

Stretford Public Hall, exterior

Edge Lane shop front

Stretford Public Hall, interior

Facades of the Arts Factory

Combining the range of Facades within Stretford and appropriating them into the design for my building.

Stretford Public Hall, interior

Stretford Public Hall, interior

Stretford Public Hall, interior

The Site, at Night

How the interaction between facade and light can ensure that the space is easily accessible at night. 

Variety of vistas into the building help to light up the surrounding space. 

Opportunity for the main studio curtain wall to double up as a screen for open air projections.

Les Bains des Docks
Kunsthaus Bregenz,
Peter Zumthor

Opportunity for the main studio curtain wall to double up as a screen for open air projections.

Interior Views
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