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Post Big Draw reflections

Moving On... 

Developing the programme of the building as a response to the Big Draw. Looking at how the forms will respond to the new park created in iteration 3. 

Initial Massing models at 1:200 which test the ideas expressed in iteration 1 and 3 of the big draw. After much deliberation, I have instead decided to approach this building from a different idea, looking at how I can conserve and create new vistas into the area through a new relationship between the scheme and the site.

Model of Addition/Subtraction


How, through using the existing dimensions of the back of the Essoldo, a scheme can be created that responds to the site conditions

Through experimenting with the original form of the back of the Essoldo moulded in clay,  a new beginning could be created. 

This idea follows on from iteration 3, in which the concept of preserving/harvesting the material from the demolition was discussed.

Through beginning to separate out the programme of the building, more vistas and routes into the scheme can be created. This is an idea developed on from my 1st iteration, which looked at how a courtyard arrangement can provide views and ease of access into site.

Iteration 3

Iteration 1

Development of Form 

Combining massing iterations with respect to site context

Retaining the back - an unnecessary eyesore with no visible circulation 

Separating programme with respect to circulation and views in 

Adjusting massings to manipulate views and paths into the buildings.

Site Paths

Assessing the main routes and views into and through the scheme

Separate programme with respect to site context


A progression of iteration 1 and 3, showing how the form can be adapted through the ways iin which the scheme links to the context

Programme Concept:

Scheme as mimicking the process of creation 


Fusing all the programme elements together could create unwanted interaction between spaces; namely the noise generated from the workshop could interrupt the workers/classes within the studio and ceramics classes and cause friction between the building and the landscape.


By seperating key elements of the project into 3 seperate buildings, a new variety of spaces can be achieved. This would follow the process of creation: the project is conceived in the studio, and then created in the ceramics and workshop units , which then has the chance to be exhibited and put up for sale. The profits generated from the exhibition space will then be put back into the maintaining of the other spaces within the Arts factory



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