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Landscapes of motorised terrain

Assessing the tribulations of Chester Road through mapping movement through the area

Public Transport

A map at 1:500 exploring the various routes people take into and around the site and the surrounding area within Stretford. As you can see, the roads are occupied by cars, and through result of neglected public space and bad urban planning, this has isolated the pedestrian. The impact of the volume of traffic within Chester Road suggests that the pedestrians have become subject to the cars, further exacerbated by the blocking off of the subways used to cross the roads safely.

The Inconvenient Truth

Chester road is one of the busiest roads within Manchester, and it is also the most dangerous; to help strive for a solution, I want to examine the ways in which Stretford is catered for the car and adapt that so the space is fit for a more pedestrianised way of living.

The Car vs Stretford

Interactive map exploring how people and more social forms of transport have been affected by the 6 lane highway which runs right past the Essoldo

Canal Side activation

A key focus of the site is opening up the Essoldo towards the canal. 


At the moment, the canal is under-utilised, a space only frequented by cyclists and the occasional dog walker. The impact of cycling along the canal has also disrupted he pedestrian friendly idea of the route, and made it more based around the cyclists convenience rather than a tranquil space to socialise. 

My project seeks to relocate the cycle lane to within Chester road, thus activating a more people-orientated canal side for Stretford.

Chester road: a personal response

A 1 minute micro documentary as a response to the intersection of Chester road and Edge lane. Due to the proximity of this intersection to my site, it is pertinent that my scheme should address the need for change within this area, focusing the intersection more on the pedestrians rather than the cars.


I combined videos I took during a site visit with an archived documentary about the construction of the Mancunian way in an attempt to fuse the initial motorisation of the city with the lasting effects this has had on the development of Stretford; the car, once a beacon of modernity, is now instead a harbinger of danger and discomfort, thereby isolating Stretford from the canal and reducing the activity on the nearby streets. My project aims to appropriate the motorisation of Manchester into a new, more pedestrian-centric masterplan which will install a new lease of life into the area.

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