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Semiotics of Stretford 

The Quest for identity through instant placemaking
"Stretford struggling for a sense of identity"
Learning From Las Vegas
Robert Venturi & Denise Scott-Brown

This book was pivotal in the exploration of how signage can affect our perceptions of a place, and a similar tactic could be applied to monitoring the existing signs within Stretford and adapting them to create a greater positive impact on the public. 

Learning From Edge Lane

How the immediate impact of the empty shop fronts on Edge Lane paints the untrue picture of a town in decline

Signs all the way along the Las Vegas Strip, 1973
Signs and shopfronts on the 'Stretford Strip', 2017

Adapting Industry 

Semiotics of Saw tooth roofing

Site Circulation




Through playing with the existing graphic image of a factory, a new, more modern outlook on production can be achieved. This building is a response to the heritage of industry within Manchester, and how this form can be appropriated within the programme.

Adapting the idea of a saw tooth roof associated with industry into a more modernized interpretation.

This will help to create a more cohesive interaction between the split buildings too. 

Roof Culture  

Progression of Rooftop form

This process is a development on the form seen in iteration 1 of the Big Draw.

The design for the rooftop as angular and pointed, designed in a way to resemble one unit


This unity of roofing enables the buildings to easily be split up and reordered without confusing the user.


Through splitting up the buildings through different typology, more of a link between the surroundings and the building can be achieved. 


The buildings now resemble 3 different structures, but the angular forms of the roof unify them, providing visual intrigue into the method in which the buildings are split up. 


Final Form of the Arts Factory

Coherence between buildings yet also not impeding on the idea of enhancing routes and vistas through the site

The Spiral, a new monument welcoming you to Stretford. 
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