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Structural Model 

Testing the Structure and progression of the exhibition space at 1:100

Hyperbolic Reinforced Concrete

How the formation of the curtain wall system can attract intrigue and delight into the building. 

Curtain Wall progress

Clear vistas through the exhibition space, ensuring that people can marvel at the hyperbolic concrete rafters 

Unknown Thresholds

The idea of the curtain wall facade attracting intrigue for the user

BEFORE: the lack of a visible threshold for the user could mean that they walk straight past the exhibition space.

AFTER: The use of landscaping and pathways creates a visible threshold into the building, with a thicker steel beam signifying the entrance space behind.

Roof Progression

Monitoring how the roof can still be structurally stable yet attract attention to the structure.

Circulation will act through the building, with additional exists in between the structure.

Experiential Qualities

How the structure can enhance  user experience 

the 3m spacing between each reinforced concrete column presents a few ideas: 

Namely, how the artworks can be exhibited between the exposed columns to frame the art nicely

North window lighting creates a calm, constant amount of lighting perfect for exhibition conditions.

Use of Artificial lighting acting up on the columns attracts intrigue into the structure

How the unusual form of the roof can create intrigue and delight to the visitor. 

PRECEDENT: The Design Museum

The roofs shape and structure enables skylights to be created which filter natural light into the building without any unwanted glare. 

The combination of warm interior materials such as wood contrast effectively with the concrete and cement roofing. 

Studio Structure

Cross Laminated Timber Beams

Additional 1:100 model examining the variety of possible roof structures. 

Form Progression
Looking Up/Down
Looking Out
Progression through the Structure
Skylight Experiences 


West-Facing skylight enables the studios to be illuminated at the time of dusk, enhancing experience through this interaction with light. 


The East-facing skylight enables morning light to enter the ceramics studio,  providing the conditions to help ease the drying process behind the ceramics.

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