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Iteration 1

Responding to context and typology. 

This iteration examines the idea of architecture as a visual representation of typology. Through looking at appropriating the forms of industry, namely the saw-tooth roof and chimney motif, perhaps a building can be created which uses the visual familiarity of a factory as a method for place-making in the heart of Stretford.


Combination of rugged brick + polished white concrete promotes an interesting aesthetic

Jagged roof structure providing intrigue into space

New vistas into the scheme through the creation of a courtyard

Path links the site and scheme back to the canal

Saw tooth roof could be utilised to provide a constant source of skylighing

Observatory as a monument defining the landscape

Courtyard defines vistas and circulation path

Opening of scheme enables clear routes into and away from the site

Saw tooth roof and Essoldo as defining visual forms of threshold

Outdoor circulation paths frees up interior space







  • Promotes a variety of vistas from inside the building

  • Creates a new public courtyard from a previously derelict area 


  • Site could become closed off from the rest of Stretford

  • Lack of engagement with the Essoldo

  • Easily recognisable behind the Essoldo

  • Separated volumes could mean parts of the building are divided/isolated.

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