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Iteration 2

A communal landmark by the canal

This iteration seeks to foster a more communal site through playing with the idea of formality: by proposing to have a roof-top garden, a new area is created where the whole community can partake, implementing a new sense of ownership into the project. Similarly, the studio units will welcome anyone into the project. However, through referring only to the canal-side, there is a lack of a relationship with the Essoldo and the rest of Stretford.

Communal Playground in the site of the boatyard as a new attraction 

Sculptural pedestrian bridge as a main attraction

North-East Facing Studio pods for a calmer, more private space

Observation tower promotes new vistas and intrigue into site

Communal rooftop garden

The more public spaces are situated next to each other, creating a more cohesive separation of private/public

Easy access to observation tower.

Separating studios could isolate the users of each studio away from the main building

The Essoldo as the main threshold into the site

Studio layouts as encouraging users to wander through the spaces

Intrigue in indoor/outdoor circulation spaces

New, improved pedestrian route on other side of the canal 






  • Observation/public tower promotes canal resurgence

  • addition of rooftop allotment could get people gardening

  • Informal artists studios could encourage range of uses

  • circulation could be disjointed

  • Could encourage circulation away from shop fronts


  • Observation tower could visually disrupt the canal

  • Could become too self-contained and not promote interaction

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