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How Nature can be created within the site through interaction between scheme and parkland. 

The Essoldo as a beacon for Arts and Nature.

This iteration hopes to dispel the idea that brownfield sites can’t be renovated into green space. Through the strategic demolition of the back of the Essoldo, parts of the skeleton will remain, which will conduct the placement of a new park, with the building right next to the Essoldo. The relationship between scheme and site should hope to create a new, more natural creative space for users whilst also firmly reinstating the value of the cinema as a newly refurbished landmark.

Brick walls as a reminder of the material heritage of the site .

Cycle bridge linking site to the Tram Station

Heavy, external materials such as Brick juxtaposed with lighter wooden interior.

Iteration 3

Exhibition space as by the streetscape and a reaction to the form of the Essoldo


Studio spaces offer calmer, contemplative spaces with vistas out towards the park

Void space as restoring access to the nearby streets

Workshop layout is based around my moment, situated at ground level to attract intrigue. 

how the scheme can create a more accessible route for pedestrians

A new, more visible threshold into the site

Remnants of the ruin as circulation posts

Canal opened up by intervention of scheme

How a pedestrian bridge can improve the boatyard space, as well as linking Stretford back to the tram


New opportunities by the canal


How the death of a building can breathe new life into an area

  • Creating a new park space out of a previously derelict area
  • promotes re-use of Essoldo back as multi-functional natural space
  • might be too hidden to place a park within site
  • Could be too close to chester Road for an open park




  • Rehabilitating public through gardening/park space
  • Becomes an actual space for people to socialise or create
  • Roof could be added to make it weather-proof
  • design will need to be respectful to the Essoldo


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